Basic Hair Care Tips For Men To Avoid Hair Fall

It is great if you are taking care of your body & skin very well. But what about your hair?

If you are not giving so much attention to your hair, then think about it because hair is quite important in smart grooming. 

Thick & healthy hair is something, everyone would desire as long as possible. A head full of hair is one of the things that makes you attractive. Moreover, it signifies youthfulness & a healthy lifestyle.

But, due to our fast-paced life, almost everything is suffering like our health, lifestyle, etc. Nowadays most of the young & middle-aged men are suffering from the hair fall issue because of our unhealthy lifestyle, improper nutrient level, hormonal imbalance, etc. And men would try every possible way to stop hair fall, but in most of the cases, despite doing everything, it seems like a lost battle.

As per the American Hair Loss Association:

About 25 percent of men who have the heredity of male baldness begin falling their hair before the age of 21.

By the age of 35, nearly 66 percent of men will experience hair loss to some extent.

By the age of 50, almost 85 percent of men will experience notably lighter hair.

So, we are here with some easy-to-do tips that you need to follow for preventing hair fall & have thick & healthy hair.

Basic Hair Care Tips For Men To Avoid Hair Fall

Massage Your Scalp

Massage your scalp regularly with lukewarm oil, it helps improve blood circulation in the scalp as well as stimulating the hair follicles. Also, it is a good treatment for scalp infection & dandruff. 

For effective results, massage your scalp with coconut oil, sesame oil & almond oil. 

Have A Healthy Diet & Lifestyle

A healthy & balanced diet is crucial for your overall health. Eat fresh & healthy fruits that promote hair growth. Iron, proteins, zinc & omega 3 fatty acids-rich food will improve hair growth.

Stress is one of the most prominent causes of hair fall. Although no one can eliminate stress completely from their life, still there are several ways through which you can reduce the stress level & relax your mind. You can do yoga & meditation to calm your mind. 

Use Natural, Gentle Shampoo & Conditioner

Shampoos & conditioners with a long list of harsh chemicals should be eliminated from your washroom shelves. Use shampoo & conditioner having natural ingredients as your hair needs gentle care.  

Regular Haircut

Regular trims or cuts are necessary to maintain stronger or healthier hair & get rid of hair fall to some extent. Therefore, you should contact your barber at least once a month for a haircut. If you want haircuts at home, contact zehn services & get hair cutting services at home in Kolkata.

Take It Easy On Hair

While washing & styling, don’t be so rough & tough with your hair because it affects your hair adversely. Use warm or cool water for hair wash instead of using hot water. For drying your hair, do not aggressively rub your hair with a towel & brush your hair gently. 

Following these suggestions will be effective to control hair loss in men. 


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