When To Call A Plumber


Many plumbing problems can be resolved on a DIY basis. When the water pressure of your place is low, you need to clean the showerhead, inspect the water meter valve, or perform various other simple repairs. When the trap below your kitchen's or bathroom's sinks leaks, you can tight the present trap or, buy a new & reasonable trap. 

But, after so many DIY repairs, how do you identify that when to call a plumber? And, if you are searching for plumbers near me & plumbing services in Kolkata, contact us!

No Water

 If you wake up in the morning and rather than water just, get a drop of water, you will first definitely ask your neighbors and then you probably feel the need for a plumber. 

If your neighbors are facing the same issue, a plumber will let you know what to do next.

If the problem is in your place only, after identifying the root cause of the problem, the plumber will immediately solve it.

No Hot Water

Whenever the kids of your home take 1 hour of the shower, it is normal that you'll not get the hot water immediately. But it’s not common if your water heater takes a few hours to warm up no matter what. For you, it’s time to hire a plumber for your water heater if you endure repeat problems.

A professional plumber can help you to fix the issue. Either it could be a severe concern or a minor issue that can be easy to resolve. 

Drainage Problem

Clogs are very common plumbing problems, from toilets to indoor and outdoor faucets.

Most of these clogs can be solved with a plunger. But if you are unable to fix the clogging issue even after plunger work, you need a plumber.

Overflowing Toilet

Overflowing the toilets are part of life. Sometimes these problems are easy to resolve, and sometimes we are unable to find the root cause. Therefore, we need a plumber to rectify & resolve the problem.

Home Smells Like Sewage

Smell due to backup & clog can sometimes become unbearable to stay at the home. It is a symbol of major plumbing trouble. So, you immediately need a plumber.

If you’re facing a plumbing problem that you can’t handle by doing it yourself, hire a respected plumber from Zehn Services.


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